Tetris World News
Case's Ladder Back Up!
tetrinet ladder was not working properly recently as most players were
unable to report losses. However, this problem seems to have been fixed,
so players, go sign up now!
TetriNET Clone in the Works
a programmer of the Visual C language,
is in the process of creating a TetriNET clone, that will
be compatible with TetriNET v1.13. This is a challenging task,
making it compatible with TetriNET by programming his clone in C while
TetriNET was programmed with Delphi.
However, despite the programming language differences, from the pre-alpha
version shown, he seems to be succeeding very well. One of the main improvements
he is currently trying to do, is to make it more ladder compatible.
This will be definitley interesting to see the final version.
SGTL Ladder Maybe?
Solid Gold Gaming
League is a ladder server similar to Case's, albeiit a bit smaller.
Happy Flea is trying to setup a Team TetriNET Ladder here. This is nothing
definite yet, as it must yet be determined if the CGI is compatible with
the TetriNET concept of a ladder on this server.
TetrisZone Updates
Not much in the way of updates this time,
however the News page is now sorted by date so
you can easily read previous news. Also, I've registered a couple of other
URL's to get to this site, and they are:
So if you have any problems using the other URL's
give these ones a try instead, and hopefully by hook or by crook you'll
be able to get to this page ;)
Want to Help?
If you want to help
the TetrisZone by hosting this site on a better webserver, or have
suggestions, or can offer other services, then please feel free to e-mail